
Note: This is no longer the current timetable

Route 500  Romford & Old Harlow

Harlow - Epping - Romford
Old Harlow, Harlow, Brays Grove, Potter Street, Epping High Street, Station Road, Centre Drive, Ivy Chimneys Road, Theydon Road, Piercing Hill, Coppice Row, Theydon Bois, Abridge Road, Abridge, Ongar Road, Passingford Bridge, Stapleford Road, Stapleford Abbotts, Oak Hill Road, North Road, Havering-atte-Bower, Orange Tree Hill, Havering Road, Chase Cross, Chase Cross Road, Collier Row, Collier Row Lane, North Street, St. Edward's Way, Mercury Gardens, Western Road, Chandlers Way, Eastern Road, South Street, Romford Station.

Romford - Epping - Harlow
Romford Station, South Street, Western Road, Mercury Gardens, St. Edward's Way, North Street, Collier Row Lane, Collier Row, Chase Cross Road, Chase Cross, Havering Road, Orange Tree Hill, Havering-atte-Bower, North Road, Oak Hill Road, Stapleford Abbotts, Stapleford Road, Passingford Bridge, Ongar Road, Abridge, Abridge Road, Theydon Bois, Coppice Row, Piercing Hill, Theydon Road, Ivy Chimneys Road, Centre Drive, Station Road, Epping High Street, Potter Street, Brays Grove, Harlow, Old Harlow.

Operated by Arriva East Herts & Essex (Mondays to Saturdays) and Trustline (evening journeys for Essex County Council, marked ECC below).

500 Mondays to Fridays towards Old Harlow

Romford Station                   --   0655  0755  0905              05       1505  1605  1710
Romford Market (St. Edwards Way)  --   0659  0759  0909              09       1509  1609  1714
Collier Row (Chase Cross Road)    --   0709  0809  0915              15       1515  1619  1724
Havering-atte-Bower (Green)       --   0714  0814  0920  Then        20       1520  1624  1729
Stapleford Abbotts (Royal Oak)    --   0718  0818  0924  every       24       1524  1628  1733
Passingford Bridge                --   0724  0824  0930  60 minutes, 30       1530  1634  1739
Abridge (White Hart)              --   0729  0829  0935  at these    35 until 1535  1639  1744
Theydon Bois Station              --   0735  0835  0941  minutes     41       1541  1645  1750
Epping Station                   0634  0744  0844  0950  past the    50       1550  1654  1759
Epping (Church)                  0637  0747  0847  0953  hour        53       1553  1657  1802
Potter Street (London Road)      0651  0801  0901  1006              06       1606  1711  1816
Harlow (Bus Station)             0700  0810  0910  1014              14       1614  1720  1825
Old Harlow (Post Office)         0713  0823  0923  1023              23       1623  1732  1837

                                             ECC   ECC   ECC   ECC
Romford Station                  1810  1917  2017  2117  2217  2317
Romford Market (St. Edwards Way) 1814  1919  2019  2119  2219  2319
Collier Row (Chase Cross Road)   1824  1924  2024  2124  2224  2324
Havering-atte-Bower (Green)      1829  1928  2028  2128  2228  2328
Stapleford Abbotts (Royal Oak)   1833  1932  2032  2132  2232  2332
Passingford Bridge               1839  1936  2036  2136  2236  2336
Abridge (White Hart)             1844  1939  2039  2139  2239  2339
Theydon Bois Station             1850  1944  2044  2144  2244  2344
Epping Station                   1859  1951  2051  2151  2251  2351
Epping (Church)                  1902  1953  2053  2153  2253  2353
Potter Street (London Road)      1916  2005  2105  2205  2305  0005
Harlow (Bus Station)             1925  2012  2112  2212  2312  0012

500 Mondays to Fridays towards Romford

Old Harlow (Post Office)          --    --   0722  0837              37       1437  1537  1637
Harlow (Bus Station)             0541  0634  0734  0849              49       1449  1549  1649
Potter Street (London Road)      0549  0642  0742  0857              57       1457  1557  1658
Epping (Church)                  0602  0657  0757  0910  Then        10       1510  1610  1713
Epping Station                   0605  0700  0800  0913  every       13       1513  1613  1716
Theydon Bois Station             0614  0709  0809  0922  60 minutes, 22       1522  1622  1725
Abridge (White Hart)             0620  0715  0815  0928  at these    28 until 1528  1628  1731
Passingford Bridge               0625  0720  0820  0933  minutes     33       1533  1633  1736
Stapleford Abbotts (Royal Oak)   0631  0726  0826  0939  past the    39       1539  1639  1742
Havering-atte-Bower (Green)      0635  0730  0830  0943  hour        43       1543  1643  1746
Collier Row (Chase Cross Road)   0640  0735  0835  0948              48       1548  1648  1751
Romford Market (St. Edwards Way) 0646  0745  0845  0954              54       1554  1658  1801
Romford Station                  0649  0749  0849  0957              57       1557  1702  1805

                                  --   ECC   ECC   ECC   ECC   ECC
Old Harlow (Post Office)         1743   --    --    --    --    --
Harlow (Bus Station)             1755  1915  2015  2115  2215  2315
Potter Street (London Road)      1804  1922  2022  2122  2222  2322
Epping (Church)                  1819  1934  2034  2134  2234  2334
Epping Station                   1822  1936  2036  2136  2236  2336
Theydon Bois Station             1831  1943  2043  2143  2243  2343
Abridge (White Hart)             1837  1948  2048  2148  2248   --
Passingford Bridge               1842  1953  2053  2153  2253   --
Stapleford Abbotts (Royal Oak)   1848  1957  2057  2157  2257   --
Havering-atte-Bower (Green)      1852  2001  2101  2201  2301   --
Collier Row (Chase Cross Road)   1857  2005  2105  2205  2305   --
Romford Market (St. Edwards Way) 1907  2010  2110  2210  2310   --
Romford Station                  1911  2013  2113  2213  2313   --

500 Saturdays towards Old Harlow

Romford Station                   --    --   0805              05       1705  1805  1917  2017
Romford Market (St. Edwards Way)  --    --   0809              09       1709  1809  1919  2019
Collier Row (Chase Cross Road)    --    --   0815              15       1715  1815  1924  2024
Havering-atte-Bower (Green)       --    --   0820  Then        20       1720  1820  1928  2028
Stapleford Abbotts (Royal Oak)    --    --   0824  every       24       1724  1824  1932  2032
Passingford Bridge                --    --   0830  60 minutes, 30       1730  1830  1936  2036
Abridge (White Hart)              --    --   0835  at these    35 until 1735  1835  1939  2039
Theydon Bois Station              --   0741  0841  minutes     41       1741  1841  1944  2044
Epping Station                   0650  0750  0850  past the    50       1750  1850  1951  2051
Epping (Church)                  0653  0753  0853  hour        53       1753  1853  1953  2053
Potter Street (London Road)      0706  0806  0906              06       1806  1906  2005  2105
Harlow (Bus Station)             0714  0814  0914              14       1814  1914  2012  2112
Old Harlow (Post Office)         0723  0823  0923              23       1823   --    --    --

                                 ECC   ECC   ECC
Romford Station                  2117  2217  2317
Romford Market (St. Edwards Way) 2119  2219  2319
Collier Row (Chase Cross Road)   2124  2224  2324
Havering-atte-Bower (Green)      2128  2228  2328
Stapleford Abbotts (Royal Oak)   2132  2232  2332
Passingford Bridge               2136  2236  2336
Abridge (White Hart)             2139  2239  2339
Theydon Bois Station             2144  2244  2344
Epping Station                   2151  2251  2351
Epping (Church)                  2153  2253  2353
Potter Street (London Road)      2205  2305  0005
Harlow (Bus Station)             2212  2312  0012

500 Saturdays towards Romford

                                                                              ECC   ECC   ECC
Old Harlow (Post Office)          --    --   0737              37       1737   --    --    --
Harlow (Bus Station)             0619  0649  0749              49       1749  1915  2015  2115
Potter Street (London Road)      0627  0657  0757              57       1757  1922  2022  2122
Epping (Church)                  0640  0710  0810  Then        10       1810  1934  2034  2134
Epping Station                   0643  0713  0813  every       13       1813  1936  2036  2136
Theydon Bois Station              --   0722  0822  60 minutes, 22       1822  1943  2043  2143
Abridge (White Hart)              --   0728  0828  at these    28 until 1828  1948  2048  2148
Passingford Bridge                --   0733  0833  minutes     33       1833  1953  2053  2153
Stapleford Abbotts (Royal Oak)    --   0739  0839  past the    39       1839  1957  2057  2157
Havering-atte-Bower (Green)       --   0743  0843  hour        43       1843  2001  2101  2201
Collier Row (Chase Cross Road)    --   0748  0848              48       1848  2005  2105  2205
Romford Market (St. Edwards Way)  --   0754  0854              54       1854  2010  2110  2210
Romford Station                   --   0757  0857              57       1857  2013  2113  2213

                                 ECC   ECC
Harlow (Bus Station)             2215  2315
Potter Street (London Road)      2222  2322
Epping (Church)                  2234  2334
Epping Station                   2236  2336
Theydon Bois Station             2243  2343
Abridge (White Hart)             2248   --
Passingford Bridge               2253   --
Stapleford Abbotts (Royal Oak)   2257   --
Havering-atte-Bower (Green)      2301   --
Collier Row (Chase Cross Road)   2305   --
Romford Market (St. Edwards Way) 2310   --
Romford Station                  2313   --

There is no service on Sundays or Public Holidays.

Timetable revised 28/07/03


Note: This is no longer the current timetable